Uppum Mulakum | Episode 402 | ഉപ്പും മുളകും | Flowers TV

Watch Uppum Mulakum on Flowers Channel.
Episode : 402

Uppum Mulakum is a Malayalam sitcom directed by R. Unnikrishnan, written by Suresh Babu and Sreerag R. Nambiar. The show premiered on 14 December 2015 and is aired from evenings at 8:00 pm and 11:30pm on Flowers TV
The sitcom drama revolves around the family of Balachandran, his wife Neelima, their four kids Vishnu, Lakshmi, Keshav, Shivani and Neelima's Brother Sreekuttan. They are occasionally visited by Balu's brother Surendran, his cousin Rema, Neelima's parents Kuttan Pillai and Bhavani Amma, her cousin Makhi and their neighbours Bhasi, Shukoor, and Nawas. 

Genre: Sitcom
Written by: Suresh Babu and Sreerag R.Nambiar, Shihab Karunagapally, Vadakkumthala Sreekumar, Jiyo Baby
Directed by: R. Unnikrishnan
Starring: Biju Sopanam, Nisha Sarangh, Rishi S Kumar, Juhi Rustagi, Al Sabith and Shivani
Editor(s): Sateesh Kumar B, Harikrishnan P.
Camera setup: S.J Sinu, Anoop Kattakada

Running time: 18-25 Min

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